Thursday, March 31, 2011

...Bio Fuel Systems (BFS)

If you know me then you know what I hate to buy most of all, gas. I watch the NYSE daily to see what the price of crude oil is. Lately it has been rising almost daily and it seems like $4 a gallon gas is on the way. While America swears it is trying to get off the stuff, they have shown no true effort to date. I do not count $40,000+ electric cars as an effort by the way. Thank God for Spain and France and the people at Bio Fuel Systems (BFS). They have possibly found a way to break away from the need for expensive Middle Eastern oil. They have created a bio-oil produced with algae mixed with carbon dioxide from a factory, it is virtually like the oil we use today. The microalgae reproduces at high speed in the tubes by photosynthesis and from the CO2 released from the cement factory. Every day some of this highly concentrated liquid is extracted and filtered to produce a biomass that is turned into bio-oil. The other great advantage of the system is that it is a depollutant it absorbs the C02 which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Founder and chairman of BFS, French engineer Bernard Stroiazzo-Mougin calls it "ecological oil". He also said they need about 5-10 years before industrial production can begin, which is not so bad. It sometimes takes that long before we see valuable oil come from those controversial offshore rigs. He also added, "In a unit that covers 50 square kilometres, which is not something enormous, in barren regions of southern Spain, we could produce about 1.25 million barrels per day." That is roughly how much oil comes from Iraq each day. The company is private and is looking to negotiate with many countries to set up plants in their country. Of course late as always to the party Exxon wants to invest $600 million in algae research. Whatever... I am glad to see this. I cannot wait until this stuff goes global and it becomes the main source of oil. I just may be able to own a HUGE SUV, Hummer H1 anyone? I am giving Bio Fuel Systems (BFS) 2 Digits Up for possibly saving me money and future generations a lot more.

...Rebecca Black - Friday

Maybe I like bad music. I liked Paris Hilton and Heidi Montag's album, I love new wave, synth, pop, disco, etc. Maybe I am ahead of the curb, I sometimes catch on to songs late, much later than others, especially songs by Rihanna and Beyonce and Britney Spears (Though "Hold it Against Me" is still a crappy song). This song "Friday" by Rebecca Black has finally stuck with me. I must say that although the lyrics are simple and bad they are catchy.I like the little song that cost no more than $4,000 to make. More people hate it than love it, even Miley Cyrus said "It should be harder to be an artist." Really Miley? You sound like a cat in heat hitting the shredder. Rebecca sounds no better or worse than anyone on the radio right now, Ke$ha anyone? Think about it, if this were on Disney or Nickelodeon no one would really care, it might even be #2 on Radio Disney. I may be in the minority when I say that this song is pretty good. I am going to give Friday by Rebecca Black a Digit Up for sure.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/30 Mad Men, Christ Brown on Dancing With the Stars, Royal Wedding Coverage - Overkill?

We Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

Mad Men - will AMC's critical darling return?

Mad Man - should ABC have honored Chris Brown's appearance on Dancing With the Stars?

Mad Hatter - do we need a solid week of Royal Wedding coverage?

And more, including the tweeting Cobra and improve Charlie!

All This and More - Only On The PM Show!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...Citizens Against Government Waste

The Citizens Against Government Waste are against well government waste, and who can really blame them? I am totally in love with their commercials that has been deemed too "controversial" for some networks to air. I happened to see it on a channel, I cannot recall what network aired it, but thank you to those who are willing to show it. This commercial is pretty much what a lot of insiders are thinking, but are too afraid to say. I instantly thought of one of my favorite commercials, the 1984 Apple Macintosh Super Bowl commercial. However the commercial is more on the lines of another controversial commercial from the 1980's directed by Ridley Scott. This commercial was banned because it also dealt with the topic of the rising government debt. Though this commercial may not be seen by all those who do see it will be curious about its message, especially those who are not actively involved in politics. I am giving this Citizens Against Government Waste 2 Digits Up for, lack of a better word, having the balls to make this commerical to begin with.

3/29 Consumer Advocate Bogey, Dancing with the Stars, How Much $ is Shatner Worth?

We Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

Consumer Advocate Bogey!

CRN's Entertainment Reporter Gregg Hunter Talks About Dancing With the Stars!

How Much Money is Bill Shatner Worth?

All This and More - Only On The PM Show!Don't forget to "Like" CRN's FaceAdd Imagebook Page: "Like" Our The PM Show Page, too!

Monday, March 28, 2011

...President Barack Obama

Did you see the speech? I did. I was crass. It did not answer the main question all Americans had on their mind, what are we doing there? Answer... No answer. There was a lot of beating around the bush and when the bush was beat, it was more of a gentle rub. I do not want to talk much about this but I would like to point out a couple of things I noticed. The main things would be how much this reminds me of George W. Bush. Obama went above and beyond to paint McCain as a Bush backer and man who would do things just like him and now he is the one following in his footsteps. He went over Congress to NATO to get this resolution approved and to start this things with Libya. He wanted to protect the people of Libya from Gadhafi and so on. We are helping aide them, but we are not getting too involved. What are we doing!?!?! We are doing the hard work while they walk in and take over a city a day it seems. Obama claims that he will not send in ground troops, which is odd because the Libyan rebels may not have the power to oust Gadhafi without our help sense no other country wants to take the wheel, which is why NATO is in command...per se. America has gone into their oil rich country to get rid of this "mad man" and give this country something that they want. If this is true then let them fight for it. I am over this American Exceptionalism and out imperialistic ways. This is as much a war as the recession was a depression. Words have power and both war and depression cause panic in America and the world. The stock market would go crazy and things would fall and oil would go up, too late there. I will end this by saying when Bush decided to go to war with Iraq he pretty much did whatever it took to get America on his side, and for the most part it worked. Obama did not agree with what he said or did and he rode that into the White House. I wonder if he were still in the Senate if he would agree with what he has just done? I believe he would not. Think about it, Bush went into a country with controlled by a "brutal dictator", got rid of him and gave democracy to the people of Iraq... Libya is next I guess. He said, in so many words, he thought that Libya was more important than other countries because Gadhafi would slaughter many of his own people and that was not something he was willing to let happen. When it happens in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran and Syria we shall see what he does to stop that. I have yet to get any answer, an actual definite answer, as to why we are over there, and I doubt I ever will. No amount of propaganda or rally cries will get me to agree with this war, yes I am calling it a war. You do not spend $600 million in the 1st week of something launching missiles and dropping bombs and not call it a war. I am giving President Barack Obama 2 Digits Down.

...Britney Spears

Birtney's new album "Femme Fatale" drops today and we already know it will be number one. I must say though that while so far I like one song,"Til the World Ends", and hate another, "Hold it Against Me", Britney is still Britney. This album is low on vocals, high on beats and the same goes for her live performances. Most artist make the bulk of their money from tours and live performances and Britney has been phoning it in lately. The videos below show you just what I men. Lots of walking, siting, and hair tossing, no true dance moves really. She looks bored, probably is, needs to retire soon, because I doubt she wants to do this forever, and she just is not the girl she once was, but who is anymore... I think fans will flock to see her because if you are a fan of hers then you are not expecting a masterful performance, you are just there to see her, here her album be lip synced and maybe get a good stage show. I on the other hand am not a hardcore fan, I have a lot of her songs yes, but I am not going to buy an album. I am giving her a Digit Down because it just gets lazier and lazier as the years go by.

3/28 George Lopez vs. Kirstie Alley, Burger King Bikini Riot, Snooki, Travel Advice

We Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

George Lopez vs. Kirstie Alley

Spring Breakers Trash Burger King in Bikini Riot

Snooki from ‘Jersey Shore’ will wrestle in Wrestle Mania this Sunday

Travel Advice From Geoff Edwards

All This and More - Only On The PM Show!

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

...NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament

Have you been watching? I have, faithfully. I have had my bracket broken so many times it is unrecognizable. No #1's left but a #11 and a #10 are in there. Do rankings even matter anymore? I guess sense this is rare you can say that they do, but I am starting to wonder... If Kentucky lost against UNC then all 5, yes I have 5 brackets, would have been killed. Duke let me down, Kansas let me down, Ohio State let me down and so on and so on, but Butler and VCU shocked me, no awe, just shocked me. These relatively young coaches leading these teams who rarely make it past the field of 32, though Butler made it to the finals last year, are now in the Final Four. I cannot wait until next year when the rankings come out, will Butler and VCU be in the top 10? Possibly, more so Butler than VCU. Will those rankings matter or last? I am sure those teams will get more and better recruits from this exposure and their more than likely higher rankings, but as we saw this year this weeks #1 team is next weeks #5. I am going to give this Tournament a Digit Up because I am a little upset that I may bomb with the my brackets, bu the overall excitement and uncertainty is not only great for the schools, NCAA, channels (ratings), advertisers and players, it is great for the viewers...the fans.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

...Geraldine Ferraro

Before Sarah Pailn and before Hillary Clinton there was Geraldine Ferraro the 1st female candidate to run for Vice President with Walter Mondale in 1984 against Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. In doing so she gave millions of women hope and became the face of the feminist movement. Sadly that face has left us at the age of 75. Ferraro passed away after a 12 year battle with blood cancer. Monday she went to the hospital to have a procedure done to correct a fracture in her back. She developed pneumonia thus delaying the surgery. It was then the doctors knew she did not have much longer to live. Though she did not win the election she did set up many discussion points and proved to be a worthy candidate. Later in life she ran for Senate twice, but was unsuccessful. She was a reporter for CNN and she worked for a consulting firm in Washington D.C. the focused on women's issues. She will be missed by all, friend and foe. I am giving this news a Digit Down.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Who is Lindsay? Add we are talking. Lindsay Lohan is dropping her last name and will only go by Lindsay. She is not alone though. Her mother Dina and sister Ali will be dropping the Lohan and going back to Dina's maiden name Sullivan. A couple of weeks ago Lindsay's younger brother Michael said he was going to drop his last name in order to avoid the confusion between he and his father. A couple of days ago Lindsay's dad was arrested on charges of domestic abuse of his girlfriend. I guess the whole family wants to break the "curse' of the Lohan name. Lindsay was on the fence about dropping her surname until last year's E-trade Super Bowl commercial in which they referenced a baby as "that milkaholic Lindsay." Lindsay is pretty much unhireable in Hollywood due to her legal problems, she is forever in and out of court. No one will insure her so no one will hire her for a movie role. I love the song "A New Life" by Pet Shop Boys, so I can understand what she is trying to do. I myself have had a name change or 3 myself. I just hope that she knows that a name change alone will not change her life, she herself has to be ready to change as well. I am going to give her a Digit Up because I think that she may finally be ready to grow up and move on past her troubled younger days, though she will always be Lindsay Lohan to the public, at least for a few years anyway.

...Laura Vikmanis

I am always complaining about how Hollywood has no original ideas and whatnot. Well Hollywood got one, sort of, and they are going to use it to punish me. Laura Vikmanis is the NFL's oldest cheerleader at age 42. She cheers for the Cincinnati Bengals and she is about to be forced on us because she is getting her life story told in the form of a movie. Are you kidding me? The film will be penned by Emily Cook and Kathy Greenberg, who co-wrote the animated film "Gnomeo and Juliet", which makes sense because this is only amovie that women would truly be interested in, or think they are interested in. I am already ready for this movie not to be a smash hit, a box office failure. You can listen to her sob story below. While you do that I will be giving her a Digit Down.

...Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana A.K.A Dolce and Gabbana could be going to prison for a very long time. They have been under investigation for some time for for tax evasion for more than $1 billion in income.

"The inquiry was begun by the Guardia di Finanza, the Italian police force specialized in fiscal crimes, which is affiliated with the finance ministry. The unit investigated the 2004 sale of the Dolce & Gabbana and D&G brands to Gado, a holding company based in Luxembourg, which was in turn owned by a company that belonged to the group headed by the designers.
Prosecutors contend that the Italian revenue service was duped out of taxes on the sale of the brands, which they claim were sold well below market value, and on the income from royalties, which were taxed in Luxembourg at a much lower rate than they would have been in Italy. The brands were sold for €360 million, or $508 million - an amount that investigators say was just under a third of their actual value, according to their own calculations." -New York Times

Apparently this is a common thing in Italy and the Italian fashion world. In the 1990s, several designers were swept up in the so-called Clean Hands investigation into corruption among Italian politicians and business executives. Some agreed to plea-bargain settlements, including Giorgio Armani, who was accused in a tax-bribery case. He was fined $64,000 and given a nine-month suspended sentence. I fine tax evasion to be a bad thing. No matter how much you have to pay, you made a lot more. If convicted these guys could face up to 5 years in prison each. I doubt they will, they play hardball and they play it well. I am going to give them a Digit Down even though they are my 2nd favorite fas
hion designers, behind Versace. The law is the law.

3/25 American Idol, Liz Taylor & Jay Leno

Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

American Idol:

-Who gets cut?

-Special appearances by Hulk Hogan and Stevie Wonder

Liz Taylor

-The lost tape (


-Stars remember Liz Taylor

Jay Leno




All This and More - Only On The PM Show!Don't forget to "Like" CRN's Facebook Page: "Like" Our The PM Show Page, too!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Target has bested Wal-Mart for the first time in 4 years. In a price comparison of 22 everyday household items and 10 general merchandise items such as clothes and home furnishings, Target's shopping cart rang in at $269.13 (pre-tax), a hair lower than the $271.07 charged at Wal-Mart. This seem small, but some of Target's shoppers are Redcard members which give them an extra %5 off their purchases. Wal-Mart does not offer any program like this because they are an old giant and they are set in their ways. Target has been chipping away at Wal-Mart forever, but they revved things up once the recession set in. These new lower prices were seen in January and February of this year, and probably March as well. Cheaper health and beauty items, and particularly smoking cessation gum, helped Target beat Wal-Mart. Groceries and household goods such as light bulbs, trash bags and detergent was still cheaper at Wal-Mart. Eventually Wal-Mar will fall, though I think it will be mostly of their own doing, unwilling to change with the times and whatnot. Target is a fun store to shop at, much more fun that Wal-Mart, but Wal-Mart is still the largest retailer in the world. I doubt there is rain on Target's parade tough so I will give them a Digit Up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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  • ...Qatar

    Qatar won the the bid to host the 2022 World Cup. People were surprised and outraged that this little country won the right to host this prestigious game that is seen by billions around the world. This country roughly the size of Connecticut faces temperates at around 106 degrees in the Summer, but have been known to reach up to 120 degrees. Even during the cool months the temperature is about 71 degrees, YIKES! hey did promise to build nine new stadiums with air conditioning, but they are adding something else to that, they are planning to build "artificial clouds". Not white fluffy clouds like yo see in nature, but clouds that look like something from a movie that no one would ever think would come true. Thy pretty much look like a white smart phone with the screen facing down. They will only cost about $500,000 to make, which is literally pocket change for Qatar. If these clouds are made and work, that would be cool. I am sure many people out there will be in awe of them, and I would not blame them. What I will be waiting for is the first failure. Can you imagine having the world's greatest soccer or football players on the field and having one of these "clouds" crash on the field hurting or even killing these multi-million dollar investments? The international outrage and scandal would live on for decades. This is how wars, between less civilized countries, are started. The thousands of fans and spectators are at risk as well, of course. These things do not seem safe, though they have not been made yet. But I am going to have to give Qatar a Digit Down still.