Wednesday, September 14, 2011

...Warren Hollis

Warren Hollis is the son of 101 year old Texana Hollis. She lived in her Detroit home for nearly 6 decades...until she was evicted. Why? Well obviously she faield to make payments on her home. Her 65 year old son Warren decided to stop paying on the home, and not for a few month, but for several years. Wayne County Chief Deputy Treasurer David Szymanski told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the Hollises took out an adjustable-rate mortgage in 2002. A default and foreclosure notice was filed in November. They currently owe $80,000 along with a winter tax bill of $55.95 including interest and fees was unpaid, and a $778.44 summer tax bill was due this month. Warren said, "I kept it from her because I didn't want to worry her. I was just so sure it wasn't going to happen." Warren indicates he did not make the payments. He got the notices, but threw them away. A friendly neighbor is letting them live in a rental house they own across the street from her former house. Others, including a nonprofit organization, were working to get her back into her back into her home. The ordeal was so intense that Texana had to be taken to the hospital for evaluation after she became disoriented. Texana cannot really be blamed for this, but her son most definitely can. What I would like to know is what was he doing with the money he was supposed to be using to pay on the mortgage every month? Drugs? Alcohol? Prostitutes? Gambling? All of the above? What made him think that he was going to go untouched and be able to continue to live in that home without paying the mortgage for several years!? I do not know ho well their relationship is, but I think that Texana needs to find reliable help and kick her son out when and if she ever moves back into her home. I am giving Warren 2 Digits Down for his blatant stupidity.

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