Friday, September 16, 2011

...Tareq & Michaele Salahi

Tareq & Michaele Salahi gained "famed" 1st by crashing the a White House state dinner party. It was a scandal that was news for weeks around the world, mostly here though. Then they parlayed their "fame" into a reality show by joining the poorly rated Real Housewives of Washington D.C. Now they are back int he news for yet another scandal. Tareq has decided to divorce his wife of 8 years after she ran off with the Journey guitarist Neal Schon earlier this week. Tareq called the FBI after he thought his wife was abducted, but it turns out she was traveling with the band. Interesting fact, Michaele dated Neal years ago. Tareq is citing adultery and abandonment as the reason for the divorce. He said in a statement, "Due to the abandonment of the marriage and adultery by Michaele, I have suffered both emotional and physical harm. Over the objections of me, she continually exposes our friends and acquaintances to her adulterous relationship and has flaunted the same throughout the community, the nation and indeed the world, and thus caused me to suffer great harm, humiliation, and embarrassment." No one knows if this is real or Memorex. This couple loves attention and they live by the any press is good press rule of life. Tareq has been seen with Michael Lohan lately, apparently Lohan is helping him get through this. Also there is a rumored sex tape featuring Michaele and Neal, I hope not. Tareq is having financial problems, and I do think that aided in Michaels's decision to leave him, she really loves the high life. As I mentioned the show they were on was cancelled after 1 season, the only failed Housewives show so far, but Bravo used this latest Salahi hoopla as a reason to run a marathon of the failed show... Possible spin off maybe? A reason to shoot a season 2? I really hope not. Though I do not know if this is real or for show I am giving them a Digit Up for the out of nowhere entertainment.;_ylt=A0oG7kSN.HNO3yMA7zZXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDUCMyNzY2Njc5BF9yAzIEYW8DMQRjc3JjcHZpZANPaHdYX0VvRzd2N0szNk92VGxzZ0l3R1JHTFVxaGs1ei5JMEFBNlkzBGZyA2Noci15aWU4BGZyMgNzYnRuBG5fZ3BzAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzcnAEcXVlcnkDc2xhaGkEc2FvAzMEdnRlc3RpZANINjA0?p=slahi&fr2=sb-top&fr=chr-yie8&type_param=

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