Friday, September 23, 2011

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

Below you can find Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers to decorate your desktop, hope you like them. I'll be updating the blog with latest Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers as often as possible.

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

Ayesha Takia Hot Wallpapers

9/23 Heath Ledger, The X Factor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bryan Stow

We Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

Heath Ledger's Tree House up for grabs!

The X Factor Vs. American Idoo?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is spilling his guts ... In a Book!

Giants' fan Bryan Stow speaks for the first time since brutal attack!

All This and More - Only On The PM Show!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

...All My Children

All My Children ends today. Another soap has ended due to low ratings. This one is known for the famous multiple Emmy losing Susan Lucci. Though it is not the longest running soap ever, it still has a special place in many people's hearts. The show may still have some life though. There are rumors that it could be moving to the Internet and become a regular web series. This may be true, but some of the cast members may not follow, it really would not be the same online or without the core cast members. I am giving this news a Digit Down because as time goes on a lot of our favorite shows will be cancelled due to unreal ratings expectations.

Sonakshi Sinha at Akki Bash

Sonakshi Sinha was seen in printed skirt and Black Jacket in Party given by Akshay Kumar for his upcoming movie "Speedy Singh"

Sonam Kapoor

Actress Sonam Kapoor, who's film Mausam is up for release on this Friday, looked super excited as she made her way to the party given by Akshay Kumar for his upcoming movie "Speedy Singh".

Georgia killed Troy Davis

After a torturous delay of more than 4 hours, the State of Georgia killed Troy Anthony Davis on the 21st September 2011. Davis was pronounced dead at 23:08 (03:08 GMT Thursday), 15 minutes after the lethal injection began.

"I am innocent," Davis said moments before he was executed. "I did not have a gun. For those about to take my life, may God have mercy on your souls. May God bless your souls. All I can ask... is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth. I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight."

Like many across the world my heart is heavy. I am sad and angry. The state of Georgia has proven what we already know. Governments cannot be trusted with the awful power over life and death. Today, Georgia didn't just kill Troy Davis; they killed the faith and confidence that many Georgians, Americans and Troy Davis supporters worldwide used to have in the criminal justice system.

The state of Georgia has proven that the death penalty is too great a power to give to the government. Human institutions are prone to bias and error and cannot be entrusted with this God-like power. The death penalty is a human rights violation whether given to the guilty or the innocent, and it must be abolished. While many courts examined this case, the march to the death chamber only slowed, but never stopped. Justice may be blind; but in this case, the justice system was blind to the facts.

The case against him consisted entirely of witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the trial. Since then, all but two of the state's non-police witnesses from the trial have recanted or contradicted their testimony. Many of these witnesses have stated in sworn affidavits that they were pressured or coerced by police into testifying or signing statements against Troy Davis. One of the two witnesses who has not recanted his testimony is Sylvester "Red" Coles — the principle alternative suspect, according to the defence, against whom there is new evidence implicating him as the gunman. Nine individuals have signed affidavits implicating Sylvester Coles.

Troy said the day before he was executed;

"The struggle for justice doesn't end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I'm in good spirits and I'm prayerful and at peace."

It is only perhaps in America with its addiction to violence, to guns and to retribution that killing a person who did not commit a crime makes sense and gives false closure to the family of the victim. It is only in American with its obsession with retribution and vengeance that the huge diversion of resources to maintaining a fallible and brutal death penalty and imprisoning 1 in 10 young black men that this makes sense. It is only in America does it make sense to station troops in 143 countries of the world, not ask what the motive was for the vicious attack on 9/11 and launch a murderous war on Iraq which had nothing to do with the events of 9/11 to keep America “safe.”

The vicious death penalty does nothing to keep Americans safe nor does the sad addiction to guns. Only in the Deep South does it make sense to keep a black man in prison for 22 years and then take him out and execute him when the case against him has fallen apart. This "Freedom Loving Democracy" which refuses to sign up to the International Criminal Court and kills innocents with "precision" drones well away from media coverage is in no position to lecture other brutal execution luvin' regimes in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Saudi Arabia (the place the 9/11 guys came from) on Human Rights.

Let's take a moment to honour the life of Troy Davis and Mark MacPhail. Then, let's take all of our difficult feelings and re-double our commitment to abolition of the death penalty.

I am Troy Davis. You are Troy Davis. We will not stop fighting for justice.

See also;

Don’t execute Troy Davis

The Troy Davis Campaign Website

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

...The X Factor

So I decided to watch The X Factor. It airs int he midst of a crowded comedy block anchored by NBC and ABC. I have to admit that I was not blown away by the show. I guess that I ma jaded by shows like this because there are so many. The X Factor is the perfect combination of two other shows that have a connection to Simon Cowell. Those two shows would be American Idol and America's Got Talent. If you watch the show you can obviously see what I am talking about. The giant X, the set, the judges, it is all becoming stale. The only thing that this show has over others is the guaranteed prize money of $5 million. That to me seems like a tad too much and I am willing to bet my parent's home on it that there are so many strings attached to that money that you might end up owing more than you make. I am giving this show a Digit Down because I feel it is a few years too late.

Minisha Lamba On Ramp at Blenders pride Fashion Show in Delhi

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The Tata Nano is the Indian version of the Ford Model T. It is the "People's Car". It cost $3,000, has 2 doors and is the world's cheapest production car, not the safest, but the cheapest. Apparently Tata is having problems selling the car. Originally launched in 2008 with a 100,000-customer waiting list, the Nano has been plagued by Ford Pinto-like incidents of spontaneous combustion, the result of which were electrical system and exhaust safety upgrades for 70,000 owners. Sales have flagged markedly since that launch; August saw 1,200 sales, an 88 percent drop from 10,000 in April. Some analysts argue that the reason for the Nano’s sales decline may have less to do with safety issues and more to do with Indian consumers not taking well to the notion of owning the world’s least expensive vehicle. I find this hard to believe. How hard is it to sell a $3,000 car in a country where a 3rd of its citizens live on 50 cents a day... Also there is well over a billion people in India so doing the math... about 400 million people. Well to boost sales of the mini car Tata has decided to, wait for this, cover a Tata Nano in gold and jewels. Artisans associated with the company’s chain of GoldPlus jewelry stores lavished the automobile with 194 pounds of hard-crafted 22-karat gold, 33 pounds of silver and 10,000 precious and semi-precious stones. The car cost 1,533 Tata Nanos or $4.6 million. I like lavish things. I like some gaudy things. But this car is ugly! It might sell in India though, but I doubt it. It is more of an investment in gold if anything. Tata also owns Jaguar and Land Rover/Range Rover, they bought them from Ford in 2006, money hole... Instead of doing ridiculous stunts like this to draw attention to your cars, why not invest in making the car better. This is not going to make anyone want to buy your car more than they already did, or did not, want to in the 1st place. I am giving Tata a Digit Down for having such poor business skills.

Ra One Latest Movie Stills

State of Georgia set to execute an innocent man

Southern trees still bear bitter fruit, nowhere it seems more so than in the State of Georgia, USA. It is with a very heavy heart and a deep sense of outrage that I let you know that the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles voted to deny clemency to Troy Davis. This means that very little is now standing in the way of the state of Georgia executing a potentially innocent man this Wednesday, September 21 st at 7pm.

The actions of the Board are astounding in the face of so much doubt in the case against Troy Davis. However, we should not be prepared to accept the decision and let anyone with the power to stop the execution off the hook. Join Amnesty in calling on the Board to reconsider its decision, and on the Chatham County (Savannah) District Attorney Larry Chisolm to do the right thing. They have until the final moments before Troy's scheduled execution to put the brakes on this runaway justice system.

“I am writing to urge you to seek a withdrawal of the death warrant against Troy Davis. He has been denied clemency by the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles despite the fact that significant doubts continue to plague his conviction. Executions when there are still substantial doubts about guilt should never be permitted to proceed, and the responsibility rests with you to ensure that does not happen in this case.

It would significantly undermine the credibility of the Georgia system of justice if an execution were carried out under such a persistent cloud of doubts about guilt. It would show a callous disregard for the very real possibility of putting an innocent person to death, and public faith in Georgia’s commitment to a fair justice system would be shattered.

You have it in your power to prevent this affront to justice from happening. I urge you to call for a withdrawal of Troy Davis’ death warrant without delay.”

Send on this link;

Troy Davis was convicted on the basis of witness testimony – seven of the nine original witnesses have since recanted or changed their testimony. He has survived three previous execution dates, because people like you kept the justice system in check! Let Georgia authorities know you oppose the death penalty for Troy Davis!

NOTE: Due to high volume of supporters, please keep trying to sign this petition if your initial attempt does not succeed.

Or try contacting the Chatham County's District Attorney's office by phone/fax: Telephone: 912-652-7308 Fax: 912-652-7328.

Davis was given the death sentence for the August 1989 murder of Mark MacPhail, a police officer from Savannah who was shot and killed while trying to help a homeless man who was being beaten up in a restaurant car park. Davis was present at the scene, but has always insisted that another man, Sylvester Coles, attacked the homeless man and shot MacPhail when he intervened.

Davis was convicted at a 1991 trial almost exclusively on the basis of nine witnesses – including Coles himself – who all said they had seen him carry out the shooting. The murder weapon was never found, and there was no DNA or other forensic evidence. In the years since the trial, seven of the nine witnesses have come forward and recanted their evidence, saying they were put under pressure to implicate Davis by the investigating police. Other witnesses have come forward to say that they had heard Coles confess to killing the police officer.

The parole board heard from one of the jurors who originally recommended the death penalty for Davis. Brenda Forrest told the panel that she no longer trusted the verdict or sentence: "I feel, emphatically, that Mr Davis cannot be executed under these circumstances," she said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The execution of Troy Davis, a Georgia death row inmate scheduled to die in less than a week, should be halted because of "pervasive, persistent doubts" about his guilt, said William S. Sessions, a former federal district judge in Texas and FBI director under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, in a sharply-worded editorial on Thursday.

"Serious questions about Mr. Davis' guilt, highlighted by witness recantations, allegations of police coercion, and a lack of relevant physical evidence, continue to plague his conviction," Sessions wrote. He urged a state pardons board to commute the sentence to life in prison.

Bob Barr, a former federal prosecutor and four-term Republican congressman from Georgia, urged the board to grant clemency for Davis in an editorial published in the Savannah Morning News on Wednesday. In 2007, the five-member board pledged that "it will not allow an execution to proceed in this state unless and until its members are convinced there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused," Barr noted in the editorial.

"I am a longtime supporter of the death penalty. I make no judgment as to whether Davis is guilty or innocent. And surely the citizens of Savannah and the state of Georgia want justice served on behalf of Officer MacPhail," Barr wrote. "But imposing an irreversible sentence of death on the skimpiest of evidence will not serve the interest of justice."

Troy Davis has three major strikes against him. First, he is an African American man. Second, he was charged with killing a white police officer. And third, he is in Georgia.

More than a century ago, the legendary muckraking journalist Ida B Wells risked her life when she began reporting on the epidemic of lynching in the Deep South. She published Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All its Phases in 1892 and followed up with The Red Record in 1895, detailing hundreds of lynchings. She wrote:

"In Brooks County, Georgia, 23 December, while this Christian country was preparing for Christmas celebration, seven Negroes were lynched in 24 hours because they refused, or were unable to tell the whereabouts of a coloured man named Pike, who killed a white man … Georgia heads the list of lynching states."

The planned execution of Davis will not be at the hands of an unruly mob, but in the sterile, fluorescently lit confines of Georgia diagnostic and classification prison in Butts County, near the town of Jackson. The state doesn't intend to hang Troy Davis from a tree with a rope or a chain – to hang, as Billie Holiday sang, like a strange fruit:

>"Southern trees bear a strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black body swinging in the Southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees."

See also;

Don’t execute Troy Davis

The Troy Davis Campaign Website

Guess ??

Guess who is she??

Monday, September 19, 2011

...J'adore by Dior

Last night while attempting to watch the Emmys I saw this commercial for J'adore. I have loved their commercials in the past so I was expecting another good one, and I must say I was not disappointed.

Charlize Theron reprised her role as...main lady and she looked stunning in the end in that gold creation. Throughout the commercial you see famous female entertainers of the past, including Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and Marlene Dietrich, all added trough digital technology. The music was great. I am a fan of The Gossip and I have been listening to that song, "Heavy Cross" for years. It is nice to see them get more mainstream coverage. I am giving this commercial 2 Digits Up. It was just beautiful.

9/19 Emmys, John Travolta, John Mayer, Redheads

We Talk About ALL The Hot Topics, Like:

All things Emmy's! We'll recap winners, losers, backstage antics and after parties!

John Travolta's Classic Benz ... JACKED!

Breaking News! John Mayer has developed a throat condition!

World’s Biggest Sperm Bank Shows Redheads to the Door!

All This and More - Only On The PM Show!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

...The 63rd Annual Primetime Emmys: Worst Dressed

Heather Morris: I guess she wanted to relive prom.

Minka Kelly: As you can tell she is still mourning the breakup with Derek Jeter.

Claire Danes: Recycled Pepsi cans?

Cat Deely: She looks so tired. Besides that nothing is clicking with this at all.

Anna Faris: It looks like she decide to come 5 minutes before the show started.

Angela Kinsey: She is too pale and too blonde for a color that bright.

Aubrey Plaza: One of my favorite dresses of the night. Too bad I live by the no white after Labor Day rule.

Brooke Anderson: Note to Brooke: This is the Emmys not the CMT Awards.

Eva La Rue: Eva La Rue, more like Eva La Boooooo.

Gwyneth Paltrow: That is never a flattering spot of the body to expose, no matter how thin you are.

Jane Krakowski: I never expect much from Jane when it comes to fashion.

Jane Lynch: We also were not expecting much from her either.

Jayma Mays: This could have worked, but she messed up with the hair and accessories.

Julianna Margulies: A "Good Wife" would know that you are to never wear white after Labor Day.

Kyle Richards: A typical housewives dress. This is something that should be worn to formal galas and charity events, not a major awards show.

Lara Spencer: I cannot take her seriously on T.V. nor when it comes to fashion advice.

Louise Roe: There is so much wrong with her.

Maria Menounos: She lost is with the hair and the clutch.

Michelle Forbes: Right dress, wrong awards show.

Nancy O'Dell: Too tan, too plastic looking. She should have worn this dress in black or dark blue or even a dark green.

Phoebe Price: Sometimes you just cannot turn away from a car wreck.

Rachel Harris: Even without the glasses this would not have worked.

Rashida Jones: A few less bracelets and a nice necklace could have possibly pulled this look together.

Taraji P. Henson: Just because a dress is offered to you doe snot mean you have to accept it.

Vanessa Marano: She is not mature enough to wear this dress successfully.