Thursday, January 6, 2011

...Andrew Luck

All year long I heard about how good Andrew Luck was and how he had a shot at the Heisman Trophy, and it was all true. Over the season I became a fan, he was like a more realistic Tim Tebow and he was not being shoved in my face every time I turned to ESPN, thanks to Cam Newton. If Cam Newton was found guilty of the whole "pay for play" scandal or if Auburn would have lost a game or two then Andrew Luck might have won the Heisman, but that did not happen and he came in a distant 2nd place. Luckily people predicted that he could become the 1st overall pick in the NFL draft with a shot at a $40-$60 million contract. With all of that being said today Andrew Luck let it be known that he will be returning to Stanford next year and he will not be entering the NFL draft. Everyone is wondering why!?! Does he want a BCS Championship? The Heisman? No, a degree, a degree in architecture. Who cares!!! We all remember how Sam Bradford skipped the draft, came back the next year and got injured and was out for the season, this could happen... Also something more serious, the NFL is mulling a major change in the rookie pay scale after the 2011 season which could ultimately cost Luck more than $40 million, and possibly as much as $60 million, even if he is the 1st player off the board next year. He could always go back to school, or not. If he gets injured in the NFL he would still have millions in bonus and guaranteed money. If he gets injured in college, he gets remembered as that kid who could have been. Also what if his coach does not return? NFL teams are trying hard to get him. Without his current coach Luck may be out of Luck. HA! I used it. And if that does not help him, take a trip to Washington and ask Jake Locker how it feels to go from a possible top draft pick last year to a nobody this year. Besides if there is one thing that we all learned int his recession; degrees are worthless. CEO's work at Pizza Hut while college dropouts become millionaires...billionaires. I am going to have to give Andrew Luck a Digit Down. On a serious note, maybe they should check this kid's head out for possible concussion trauma.

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