Thursday, December 2, 2010

...Keep A Child Alive Campaign

It seems as if fans or "fans" do not mind if their celebrities are off Facebook and Twitter. What am I talking about? The Keep A Child Alive charity founded by Alicia Keys promised that some celebrities such as: Ryan Seacrest, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Serena Williams, Justin Timberlake, and Elijah Wood would not post updates on the popular social sites until $1 million was raised. It actually said this, "The world's top celebrities are sacrificing their digital lives to give real life to millions of people affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India," the campaign states. "That means no more Twitter or Facebook updates from any of them. No more knowing where they are, what they had for dinner, or what interesting things are happening in their lives. From here on out, they're dead. Kaput. Finished." This campaign start Wednesday on World AIDS Day. While the cause is serious, the outcome is somewhat funny. It seems as if fans or "fans" just do not care to hear from these overexposed celebrities anymore. As of 7:30PM Thursday they raised just under $181,000. A lot of these celebs get paid to Tweet and are on TV all day everyday, I can only imagine what it is like to have a break from these people. I am sure the money will be raised, even if the celebs have to throw in their own money, not a Kardashian though. Some might say that this is due to the bad economy and the $10 minimum donation that was set up, which is not a good idea. I think that would be the most minor of the problems. Second would be the fact that no one really knew about this, the celebs forgot to tweet about it I guess. Number one, no one but tweens, teens and the people paid to follow them care that much about celebrities anymore. We see them too often, much too often. There is no mystery thus there is no interest. Like an exposed whore on the street corner, we will pass. I am giving this whole thing a Digit Down.

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