Tiger Woods' former caddie is still upset about Tiger firing him. How upset is he? So upset that he helped another golfer win a tournament. This is major because Tiger was also in the tournament and it was his first tournament in months after a leg injury. Williams was the caddie for Adam Scott who won the Firestone...golf tournament. Williams stole the show with his interview by saying, "I've been caddying for 33 years and that's the best week of my life ... and I'm not joking. There were a lot of expectations today. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little nervous. Obviously, Adam was leading the tournament and there was a lot being said this week, so it was great to back it up. ... But honestly that's the best week of my life; I've caddied for 33 years, 145 wins now, and that's the best win I've ever had." What a diss. To be fair who would have known about Williams if it were not for Tiger? It has been said that thanks to Tiger Willaims made around $10 million while caddieing for Tiger, not chump change at all. It is obvious that this friendship will most likely never be mended, and I think that is fine. Tiger will do his thing and Steve his. I do hope that this is the last time we have to heard about Steve dissing Woods though. No matter how you feel about either man what is done is done and you can only bash your former boss so much before people start to look at you as if you deserved to be fired. For now though I ma giving Steve Williams a Digit Up because it seems as if he proved himself to be a good caddie...for now.
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