Sunday, June 5, 2011

...Timothy Ray Brown

Timothy Ray Brown suffered from both leukemia and HIV. Then in 2007 he received a bone marrow stem cell transplant form a man who was immune to HIV, which apparently about 1% of Caucasians are (According to San Francisco's CBS affiliate, the trait may be passed down from ancestors who became immune to the plague centuries ago. This Wired story says it was more likely passed down from people who became immune to a smallpox-like disease.) After that Timothy's HIV seemed to go away... "He has no replicating virus and he isn't taking any medication. And he will now probably never have any problems with HIV." his doctor Gero Huetter said. Could this be the future treatment to this incurable disease? Maybe. It is still a little sketchy sounding to me, but so are most medical procedures. I guess I am going to give this a Digit Up. The reason i say I guess is because if this "cure" works and becomes widely available does this mean more people are going to become irresponsible? Only the future holds that answer...

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