Saturday I found out that Ghadafi almost died in an air strike that his his son's home. His youngest son and 3 of his grandchildren died, but he is still alive and willing to negotiate.
Now the icing on the cake, or cherry atop the sundae. Osama Bin laden has been killed. What does this mean? Apparently he was killed in a mansion somewhere in or near Pakistan. If this is true then Pakistan has a lot of questions to answer. Bin Laden has been the face of terror for nearly 10 years now. I remeber where I was when 9/11 happened, and I will never forget. Now I will never forget where I was May 1st 2011 when I heard this news. I saw that the President was going to make a 10:30PM!
I thought something major had happened, but I did not have this in mind. During the press coverage before the President's speech I found it a little funny that former President George W Bush and his team had a plan for a night like this and how to control the crowd that could have possibly gathered outside of the White House. Surprise surprise a group of people did gather, but it happened under the Obama Administration. All in all this weekend was very eventful, a very news worthy weekend. Two Digits Up for sure.

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