Friday, April 1, 2011


There has been a lot of talk about Snooki recently for going to college...Rutgers. Though she did not enroll she did make a commencement address. The whole hubbub over it was that she was paid $32,000 for her address while Nobel Prize winning novelist Toni Morrison was paid $30,000. To be fair...Snooki is more relevant. She also has to split the money between her managers and opening act. Her money also came from a student run committee while Toni's money came from the school. She did not do much either. She spent an hour answering questions, teaching students the signature fist pump and styling a student's hair in her "pouf" hairdo. She also introduced her father, who was in the audience wearing a "Papa Snooki" sleeveless T-shirt. When she was asked what her advice was for students she said: "Study hard, but party harder." This is something that most college students already know. If you are upset with any of this too bad. Blame society and culture. She is a minor "celebrity" and she is here to stay, in fact I see her staying power lasting longer than most of her cast mates. She is just taking whatever she can get while her 15 minutes are still ticking, and I am okay with this. I am giving Snooki a Digit Up.

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