Well I am going to ignore the problems of the world for a moment and focus on this joyous event
that 99.9% of you will never ever go to in person or be a part of in any way shape or form. The wedding was wonderful. i woke up early at 3:42AM and watched all the way until 9AM. Unfortunately I was not able to nap until 4PM because my body was wide awake, though my face begged to differ. I liked Catherine's dress very much, it was very fitting for her. I wish Prince William would have worn a different coat, the red washed him out a little, especially when he blushed. The hats were amazing. Now we will be seeing a ton of those hats hitting America this Spring and Summer, but I am prepared for it. The guest that got the most attention by far were the Beckhams, and they looked good. My favorite was Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, she looked stunning in
her electric blue. Not to be out done the queen looked nice in her canary yellow attire. The kiss on the balcony, part one and two, what a "treat". I enjoyed the many many cars traveling to the church. All in all the whole day full of events went off without a glitch, even though there was a slight ring snag, but that was due to nerves, typical. I am giving this Royal Wedding a, do you have to ask, Digi
t Up. Prince Harry it is your turn...

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