I will warn you that this may go from point A to F to B to G to Z. It may sound inconsistent at times but if you read though it all you may find some hits and misses. I am watching the news daily and I hear the faux optimism int he voices of the anchors and analyst when it comes to the American economy. I do not listen to most of them anymore because they are as lost as we are. I even ignore the advice of Warren Buffett. He is a billionaire who plans on donating the bulk of his net worth to a charity after he dies. When he takes a financial hit, it is like finding an ant bite on an elephant. The economy is unstable, it may never stabilize. I am not negative, I am just honest. They tell us to spend more to help the economy, but ti is hard to spend money that you do not have. That is where credit cards come in. Once you spend the credit you are given you find yourself in debt. Is this how America got into debt? In a way. It almost seems as if they are placing the blame on us, the people. While some of the people brought the blame on to themselves, it is almost like the chicken and the egg, which came 1st? Did you get into debt willingly and knowingly or did they allow you to go into debt without you really knowing you were going into debt? In the end the blame will be placed on you because if you do not have $10,000 readily available, why spend it? Well that theory only goes s far. You need a home, and unless you can afford to pay for a home with cash all at once, you will need to finance. Understandable. What is not understandable is getting a home outside of your budget, even if it is just a tad outside of it, and then struggling to make payments. If you cannot afford to live and save then you should not buy it. Apparently the current generation, my generation is "bad" for the economy. Why? Because we are saving our money. This is bad because if we save then we will not spend and if we do not spend then the economy will not grow. Stores will close, people will lose their jobs, etc. If I remember correctly 5 years ago we were doing exactly what economist told us to do, everything except putting money away for a rainy day, and it got us in a recession, a long recession. Though it is technically over, we are still in a recession. No matter what the government does, it can not buy its way out of this trouble. We tried, it failed, though we are told it did not, it created jobs and we got money back from the companies we gave it to plus interest. Only on paper did those ideas and government fixes work, if at all. Just think about it, fourteen trillion dollars of debt. It did not happen overnight and you cannot point your finger at just 1 President, but you can look at them with shame. Our current President has yet to give us a good idea when it comes to creating job growth. Foreign issues and some minute domestic issues no problem, but not the core issue. We need to teach the millions of jobless Americans out there how to fish rather than serving them fresh fish week after week after week. Government officials already ignore the Constitution, so why not go further. Why not make business stay in America and make them hire American workers? When you buy your government, you can tell them what to do, and they people who vote for them are not the ones who bought them. Why do we constantly help out so many countries around the world? Friend or foe we help them all. Even your neighbor helps them out. I may sound harsh but I saw the devastation in Japan as it happened and while thought it looked horrible I have yet to donate money to help out Japan. Harsh? Maybe, but what is harsher to me is the fact that we would go above and beyond to help otter countries and yet we make those in our country who need help go through endless paperwork and interviews for help. Sometimes they get it and sometimes the do not. We set aside money to help other nations, lots of money, billion of dollars, billions of dollars that could help educe our debt by trillions over a decade. If you have to pay a country to like you, is it really worth it? When our money runs out who will be there to help us? Who is there to help us now? Buying our debt is not help, it is just an investment. How dare we tell another country what to do. We do not agree with Libya, we do not like Libya understandable. Are we going to go to war over it? Our economy is too weak for that. We cannot even handle gas going up 50 cents, it literally is about to cause a double dip recession. We should not be telling Gadhafi what to do with his country, we cannot even figure out what to do with ours! We should sit back and let it go down however it does down. We have already come out for the people of Libya, but what happens if Gadhafi regains total control? He may not have a lot of power with what power he does have he could mess things up for us. If Iran has an uprising like Libya or Egypt we will also be for those people. It is not our business but we will make it ours. If the same thing were to happen in Saudi Arabia though... We would keep our mouths shut. They control 40% of the world's oil and we definitely cannot afford for them to turn their backs on us. We find it necessary to speak out against countries that hold down their people because we think that our democracy is the best. Our people are civilized. We elect our officials and if e do not like them we can elect someone else. f we really do not lie them we can have them impeached or recalled. If the people of America were to get as angry and upset as the people of the Middle East would our elected officials step down? Would we use our police and military forces against those people? Probably. Then I wonder, are we supposed to fall? For those of you who believe in the Bible it says that the strongest nation will fall, something to that effect. If so then we will never rise again. China will overtake us and we will just be waiting for the return of Jesus and everything else detailed in Revelation. This is starting to become the rambles of an old man so I will end it there for now. Digit Up.

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