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...Chris Brown
Who gets mad at Robin Roberts? Who yells at producers shirtless? Who breaks a window at Good Morning America? Chris Brown. So far since he has become a dumb blonde he has had a nude picture "leaked" out to the world, which he says was not a publicity stunt..*cough*, and he has gone off on "Good Morning America". What is next, a drinking and driving related accident? As you watch the video below, watch how Robin ask questions and how Chris tries to avoid them with the typical P.R. moves that he has probably practiced in the last 2 years.
Now of course you can see why he was somewhat upset, but he also has to realize that this is going to be his life until he does something else major, good or bad, and even then this will always be a question he will get asked. I do not think it warranted him breaking a window and yelling at
the producer of the segment, that was juvenile and makes that anger management class look like a failure. After his incident he took to Twitter and Tweeted, "I'm so over people bringing this past shit up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs..." Though he makes a point, Charlie Sheen is being punished in his way, and Chris in his. Chris is being given a second chance and he should appreciate it. Charlie has a father who is loved throughout Hollywood and there is no real proof of the claims of anything Charlie has done, most of it is here say. Chris on the other hand had that picture of Rihanna shown around the world and it made him look like a monster. For everyone who supports what Charlie Sheen is doing ans is making jokes about Charlie being Charlie, there will be those fans who will stick by Chris and those who will say that is just Chris being Chris. No excuses in my book, both are a mess. Chris has had anger management and apparently that only helped so much. Get your act together kiddo. You just got your restraining order relaxed but you might have just violated your probation by going on your little temper tantrum. I am giving Chris Brown a Digit
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