Monday, September 6, 2010

...Update: Watermelons

Apparently there seems to be a change happening to watermelons, from the inside. Seeds are becoming a thing of the past and some are even saying that the next generation of watermelon eaters may not even know watermelons had seeds, shocking. Today only 16% of the watermelons sold have seeds, down from 42% in 2003. The reason for this is in the past most people ate watermelons in their hand, thus giving them the option of spiting the seeds out. Today most are eaten in salads, and who wants to pick the seeds out of that, it would be like picking the bones out of your fish, not cool. Also it is now possible to grow seedless watermelons without seeded watermelons, which were previously needed to pollinate the seedless ones. This means that we may have year round watermelons. On the surface that sounds nice but we will possibly loose the original flavor int he process thus giving us a huge tomato. Tomatoes, I am told, are really good and sweet and have an awesome flavor, but what we buy in the store in the idea of a tomato, a nice firm red ball of flavorless plate coloring. So I stop and think, what will become of one of my favorite fruits? This is still a while away, albeit a short while, but this should be stopped. I must admit I buy seedless watermelon but if I have to switch back to seeded ones to save the watermelon industry and the integrity of the taste of a fresh watermelon for future generation, I will. I am giving this news a Digit Down but int he future I hope to have better watermelon related news that garners 2 Digits Up.


Today I went to the grocery and decided to buy a watermelon. I looked and looked and only saw watermelons with seeds. The stock boy told me that they were the only ones left so that is all they had. With the Summer season ending soon all of the watermelons, fresh watermelons, will be gone. I tried out the seeded watermelon and it was very tasty. I think that if we all took out the time to remove the seeds we would realize that the taste is worth the minor inconvenience. I am giving this a Digit Up. I see hope for seeded watermelons.

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