School starts tomorrow. I am not ready for it but I will deal with it. I have classes that are during my 5PM to 8PM nap time, but I will deal for now. I doubt I will be able to change them since I waited too long to get them, oh well. I have been here before, it was okay, not my favorite thing. Will this time be different? I doubt it, but I could be wrong, this year seems to be all wrong for me. I am going to put a smile...well half smile on and think positive thoughts and see what becomes of me. I may or may not stay the full time, depends on what I find outside of the campus, which always seems to be better. I am still youngish and college is college, it will always be around. I will of course have to get back into the going to class groove and maybe then my attitude will change. Everything is singed and paid for though so why not give it a go. One semester, 18 weeks, something like that. I have so many other things on my mind at this moment. A wedding, a job, a new style to define the new me, money management, etc. How will I clear my mind in order to get everything done? That is the most important tool of all, my mind. It is all over the place and not cooperating with me or itself. Anyway it starts tomorrow, it will be whatever it will be. I am going to give it a Digit Up, just because that is what positive thinkers do...right?
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