Football is back! Well pre-season football, but that is better than no football...baseball. The start of football season and my birthday both just happen to be in September, and although September is not the last month on the calendar, it feels so far away! I feel like football takes forever to come around. It is America's favorite sport and it is the only sport with Brett Favre, I just threw that in for fun....fun fact! I am so glad that is just a month away, or something like that. The Cowboys beat the Bengals and most of the starters sat out of the game after the 1st quarter, but it was still fun to finally see some action. Nascar and F1 cannot be THAT exciting all of the time and UFC is so so sometimes,
so I rely on football to help me through the long Fall/Winter season. Technically they say only about 11 minutes out of the 60 minutes of football is actual action. To that I say, who cares! It beats a lot of other sorts by miles. I am, of course, giving Football a major Digits Up just for returning.

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