Let us get to the meat people. Well Dr. Laura Schlessinger went off on a caller named "Jade" on her radio show. Jade is black and she called about her husband, a white man, using the N-Word, Nigger, and how she was starting to resent him for saying it. Dr. Laura said nigger 11 times in 5 minutes (Hear the exchange below). The caller got upset and Dr. Laura got upset with the caller and nothing was really solved. The media and others are all fired up about this. Some are saying that she is getting away with it because she is protected by other conservative media people and if she were a liberal she would be fired, tared and feathered. I find that interesting because everyone swear that the media is super liberal. The next day Dr. Laura Schlessinger apologized, and said that she was could not go on that day because she felt horrible. If you know me then you know that I am all about owning it. Dr. Laura was trying to make a pint, a point that I got and a point that a lot of people would have gotten if she did not do it so angrily. Do I think Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a
racist? No more than any other person in America. I do think that maybe she should have apologized for the way she delivered the message, but not for the message itself. I am not someone who is into apologizing, I just try not to make the same mistake again. I can easily forgive her, but it is not I who has to forgive her. I am going to give her a Digit Down though because of the delivery, it was just horrible.

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