Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28 Oscar Recap with Gregg Hunter, Eric Joseph & Paul Stern!

Who did you love? Or hate? We're hearing all about the Oscars, wrapping up this epic event with CRN Entertainment Reporter Gregg Hunter, Show Host Paul Stern and News Reporter Eric Joseph. Among other things, we'll hear about:

Ladies' Man Kirk Douglas

Anne Hathaway - She's Hot!

Colin Firth's (*cough*) I.B.S.

All these gems and more - only on the PM Show!

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

...The Academy Awards: Best Dressed

Annette Bening & Warren Beatty: Hollywood royalty. A nice looking couple.

Armie Hammer & Elizabeth Chambers: This was a great looking couple head to toe.

Busy Phillips: She looked stunning. A totally 180 from her Cougar Town character.

Celine Dion: This was the most perfect dress for her. She is really finding her style.

Cheryl Hines: I hated the hair, but the dress and necklace was just good enough to overshadow it.

Donald Trump & Melania Trump: He must really be happy to have a beautiful and well dressed wife, although she is doing her picture face again.

Erin Andrews: This proves that selling your naked self online gets you far kids.

Gwyneth Paltrow: She is really working that unavailable snobby girl look. Not because she is a great actress, but because she lives it.

Hailee Steinfeld: Can you believe she helped design this dress? She did and she looked so cute in it.

Halle Berry: She made you forget she is going through a Losing Isaiah type battle of her own in this dress.

Helen Mirren: She is as stunning as ever.

Helena Bonham Carter: She is marching to the beat of her own drum. Tonight her drums were just enough in sync with others to pass as acceptable, more than usual anyway.

Hilary Swank: I love Hilary! She is always dressed to the nines.

Javier Bardem & Penelope Cruz: A hot sexy couple that looked great together.

Jennifer Hudson: She loves Versace and Versace loves her and I loved her in this Versace gown.

Lisa Marie Falcone: This was not too busy for me. I loved it and I loved it on her.

Malika Sherawat: This was sex to my eyes! Warning though, next time can the platforms.

Mandy Moore: Mandy is finally finding her sexy side and she could easy be the best dressed of the night.

Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham: This is also a hot couple. She has an interesting look, and I liked it.

Matthew McConaghey & Camila Alves: She was so beautiful that she made his attractive be association.

Melissa Leo: If she is as old as I think she is then I loved this look. Not too sexy, but not too old. Like a twist on an Elvis look, you know that one I am talking about.

Michelle Williams: The hair, the dress, the make-up, it was a hit from head to toe.

Nancy O'Dell: I wish she would have given her co-host Mary Hart some style tips.

Natalie Portman: I liked the color. This dress did not hide or overexpose her baby bump as well.

Reese Witherspoon she looked like a vintage Barbie. Loved it!

Robin Roberts: Who knew she could look so well?

Sandra Bullock: Sexy or should I say Red hot...

Sharon Stone: She is playing her role, the aging yet ageless cougar.

...The 83rd Academy Awards: Worst Dressed

Amy Adams: Although she was wearing $1.3 million dollars worth of jewelry, the dress took away from them. Red, green and blue? She should have worn a simply soft black gown to make everything really POP!

Anne Hathaway: Too much red and too much fabric and the roses were blah.

Ashlan Gorse: This was not formal enough for the Oscars. This looked like a Macy's prom dress.

Cate Blanchett: It looked like she wore a picture frame with the picture missing.

Cody Horn: Someone was trying to be cool, but ended up looking like a fool.

Dale Dickey: Obviously she got styling tips from Amy Adams.

Daphne Zuniga: This was cool until her dog attacked the bottom.

Florence Welch: Again with this look?!

Jacki Weaver: Not even close to being a good thing.

Jennifer Lawrence: I really liked the dress but it was a little too simple. She needed a necklace and maybe an updo.

Jennifer Redfern: Wow! NO!

Julia Ormond: This look was cool...4 years ago.

Maria Menounos: The dress would have been perfect on a taller woman. Also her hair looked a little bumpit infomercial.

Marisa Tomei: I guess the designer got pissed or tired and gave up towards the bottom.

Mary Hart: She looks like she is sucking in her tummy harder than the doctor who sucked it out. The shoes were not hot either, but they did match the not hot dress.

Mila Kunis: So I thought about this and I saw it on television and it looked a little better. Her make-up was great but the lace on top around her breast was just a little too distracting for me.

Nicole Kidman: Boy did she try tonight. It was a miss, but an A for effort.

Russell Brand: I guess this was his Grammy tux that he did not get a chance to wear...

Scarlett Johansson: After a break-up or divorce you want you ex to see you looking damn good. This is just confirming that the divorce was the right thing to do.

Sunrise Coigney: This is the best angle and it still looks like glamorous trash.

Susanne Bier: I have a feeling this lady could be my boss one do. I will say...the necklace is nice, but that is all.

Virginia Madsen: Too many patterns and the belt was not elegant enough.